
the Adwar

This week I got 2 links that explore both sides of the adwar. The war on advertisement exists on the web since it became popular enough to attract advertisers. There are no acceptable ads takes the side of the users, while A Never-Ending Story On Ad-Blockers seems to defend and advise the publishers.

Some media already have blocked the blockers. It’s forbidden to escape ads? This position may appear not to be sustainable. And pushing towards content sponsoring could have really bad ill effects on the long term. Is there any escape? Honestly I have to say that I’m partial in that debate. I don’t like ads on what I read, and I don’t like ads on what I publish. I even go edit my /etc/hosts with some custom domains to resolve to sometimes.

So it there was to take sides, I would say advertiser, go to hell. But I’m a realist. They won’t go away. We live in a society where shit has to be bought. Yes even if you don’t need it. Otherwise the system will collapse. That’s how things are. I get some crazy dreams about some basic income system, currently in experiment in various places over the globe. Such setup would defeat part of this situation, even if it would have border effects that are unpredictable. But that would not change much for the big corpo, it would only save the small people. Hmm. Sounds good enough to me, I won’t lie.

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