
Time to upgrade

This is a long time I plan to re-engineer the way Green Ruby is produced. Last week I told Xenor and Simon I was thinking about giving it a break. I’m not that much anymore in the flow. Now my days are full ops and not that much dev. But the guys didn’t want to let me stop.

So we are going to organize things a little differently. Xenor and Simon, which are full time rails developers, are going to handle the content more extensively, and I will just manage the publication, plus some devops links. So we need to get some tools ready to handle that new flow. Maybe, the time it gets ready, we will take some time off. Maybe not.

What I wish is to have a way to let more people jump in, too. Maybe we will get inspiration in how the changelog manages their news flow. They based it on a Trello and it’s quite clever. By chance I explored the trello API recently and I can tell it’s really good, very suitable for custom automation.

This week, I will play lazy on the podcasts. I don’t think they are that much interesting anyways, and all that copy-pasting is exhausting. When some podcasts stands out of the crowd, I will rather feature it in this rant.

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